Exhibition History
July - September, 2024, Art in the West, High Desert Museum, Bend, OR
July - August, 2023 Solo Show, The Wine Shop, Bend, OR
April- May, 2023, Linus Pauling Gallery, Primavera: A Celebration of Spring, group show, Bend, OR
October, 2022, Group Show, High Desert Museum (through Bright Place Gallery)
October, 2021, Group Show, High Desert Museum (through Bright Place Gallery)
June, 2021, Lake Oswego Festival of the Arts
August, 2021, Solo Show, The Loft, Bend, OR
December, 2019, Solo Show, Bend Magazine Offices, Bend OR
October, 2019, Group Show, Bright Place Gallery
August, 2019, Art in the High Desert, Bend, OR
January/February 2019, Solo Show, The Loft, Bend, OR
October, 2018, Group Show, Bright Place Gallery, Bend, OR
June, 2018, Solo Show, Bright Place Gallery, Bend, OR
December 2017, Group Show, Bright Place Gallery, Bend, OR
October 2012, Portland Open Studios, Troy Studios, Portland, OR
August 2012 “Expressions Northwest”, juried group show, Northwest Arts Center, Port Townshend, WA
June 2012 “Landscape Show” People’s Gallery, group show, Portland OR
October 2011 Dual Show, OKO Gallery, Portland Open Studios, Portland, OR
April/May 2011 “Northwest Passages” Solo Exhibition, The Sparrow, Bend OR
March/April 2011 “Group Show - Artists from Portland Open Studios”, PCPA, Portland, OR
February 2011 “Group Show” OKO Gallery, Thurman St. Studios, Portland, OR
December 2010 “Group Holiday Show”, OKO Gallery, Thurman St. Studios, Portland, OR
October 2010 Group Show, Portland Open Studios, Thurman Street Studios Gallery, Portland, OR
August 2010 Julie Blackman Recent Paintings, Solo Exhibition, Thurman St. Studios Gallery, Portland
April - May 2010 “A Rainy Day Wildfire” Portland City Art, Olympic Mills Center, Group Exhibition
March 2010 “10 x 10 at City Hall”, Group Exhibit, Portland, OR
February-March 2010 “Julie Blackman - Northwest Conduits”, Zeitgeist-Art, Dual Exhibition, Portland, OR
November 2009 “The Journey” Siren Nation, Olympic Mills Center, Group Exhibition, Portland, OR
October, 2009, Portland Open Studios, Working Artist Gallery, Portland, OR
April-June 2009 “Expressions West” Coos Art Museum, Coos Bay, OR, Group Exhibition
February 2009 “Portland Love Show” Portland City Art, Olympic Mills Center, Group Exhibition
December 2008 “Julie Blackman - Recent Paintings” The Sparrow, Bend, OR, Solo Exhibition
October 2008, Group Show, Portland Open Studios Working Artists Gallery, Group Exhibition
September 2008 “Softly Spoken Beauty of That Which Is” Working Artists Gallery@ Natural Resource Federal Credit Union, Dual Exhibit
October 2006 “Julie Blackman Paintings” The Sparrow, Bend, OR Solo Exhibition